MASM611 in OSX

Hi..guys. This post is on how to install MASM6.11 in DOSBox on OSX(10.9.2) For those who don’t know what MASM is can read its details as below or else skip directly to the installation part.

MASM stands for Microsoft Macro Assembler The Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) is an x86 assembler that uses the Intel syntax for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows. Beginning with MASM 8.0 there are two versions of the assembler – one for 16-bit and 32-bit assembly sources, and another (ML64) for 64-bit sources only. MASM is maintained by Microsoft, but since version 6.12 has not been sold as a separate product, it is instead supplied with various Microsoft SDKs and C compilers. Recent versions of MASM are included with Microsoft Visual Studio. For further reading interested readers can visit the link as below:



First you’ll need to download DOSBox(0.74) from the link as below:

DOSBox Download

Furthermore, you’ll also need to download MASM installation files from the link as below:

Download MASM611

Once you’ve installed DOSBox(0.74) and downloaded MASM6.11, copy the 8086 folder from downloads onto desktop.

  • Then open DOSBox from the Applications.
  • By default the drive would be Z: as shown below.

Screen Shot 2014-08-02 at 5.27.07 pm

  • The type – mount C: /Users/Username/Desktop/8086. Here the Username is ‘Prerak’
  • Then type – C:

Screen Shot 2014-08-02 at 5.30.22 pm

  • MASM 6.11 is installed.
  • You can now start typing your assembly language code using – edit filename.asm

Screen Shot 2014-08-02 at 5.34.41 pm

  • Here filename is ‘q’

Screen Shot 2014-08-02 at 5.37.12 pm

  • Of course you can enter into full screen using Alt+Enter

If you face any problem regarding installation, assembling, linking or debugging feel free to leave a comment. This is my first blog so please ignore any grammatical or any formatting mistakes.

Happy Assembly Coding…!!
